Global Partners

Our global partners share our basic faith-commitments and understand the value we place on God’s Spirit, actively working in and through a local church.  These organizations have a variety of roles in this process as some are active in mobilizing, training and/or sending.

Compassion International Open_In_New

A ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty.

Engage Global Open_In_New

Know the story. Live the story. Discover your part in His story.

Global Serve Open_In_New

Bringing the hope of the good news to unreached ethnic minority people.

Pioneers Open_In_New

Mobilizing teams to glorify God among unreached peoples.

Radius International Open_In_New

Equipping cross-cultural workers to plant churches among unreached people groups.

Reach Global - EFCA Open_In_New

Your partner in the Great Commission.